Книга с нотами / аккордами Musicsales FL

Тип товараФортепиано, гитара и вокал
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Артикул: 23-65205
1440 ₽


От сентиментальных мелодий Angels и She’s The One до энергичных и ликующих Let Me Entertain You и Old Before I Die. В этом сборнике содержатся 19 самых популярных песен Робби Уильямса в оригинальных аранжировках для фортепиано, голоса и гитары.

Description From the sentimental slow melodies of Angels and She’s The One to the energetic and jubilant beats of Let Me Entertain You and Old Before I Die, this volume contains all nineteen songs from the great entertainer's 2004 Greatest Hits compilation album, authentically arranged here for Piano, Voice and Guitar. There is a wide range of tracks here which demonstrate his versatility as a performer, including the hit singles from the albums Life Thru A Lens, I’ve Been Expecting You, Sing When You're Winning and Escapology. A must for fans of Robbie from his Take That Days to present!