Книга с нотами / аккордами Musicsales FL

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Артикул: 23-64206
1360 ₽


Научись быстро играть стилем фингерпикинг!Easy Pickings Acoustic Favourites научит играть 16 рок и поп классических композиций таких легенд, как Нора Джонс, Дон Маклин и The Kinks.С Easy Pickings это проще, чем вы думали. Это новый способ усовершенствовать технику.Музыка в этой книге не использует стандартные обозначения. Вместо этого, представлена иллюстрация аккордов и шаблоны переборов.Так, учась на этих песнях, Easy Pickings Acoustic Favourites позволяет совершенствовать свои навыки очень быстро.Ты скоро станешь экспертом, а по пути научишься играть многие из величайших рок и поп песен всех времён!

Description Learn to play finger picking style – fast! Easy Pickings Acoustic Favourites lets you play 16 rock & pop classics finger picking style, from such legends as Norah Jones, Don McLean and The Kinks. It's easier than you ever thought possible with Easy Pickings, the exciting new way to master the technique. The music in this book doesn't use standard notation. Instead, a combination of chord boxes and crosses on the strings illustrate the picking pattern. So Easy Pickings Acoustic Favourites lets you build your skills really fast as you work through the songs. You'll soon become expert and on the way you’ll have learned how to play many of the greatest rock and pop songs of all time!

Easy Pickings Acoustic Favourites lets you play 16 rock & pop classics finger picking style, from such legends as Norah Jones, Don McLean and The Kinks.

It's easier than you ever thought possible with Easy Pickings, the exciting new way to master the technique.

The music in this book doesn't use standard notation. Instead, a combination of chord boxes and crosses on the strings illustrate the picking pattern.

So Easy Pickings Acoustic Favourites lets you build your skills really fast as you work through the songs.

You'll soon become expert and on the way you’ll have learned how to play many of the greatest rock and pop songs of all time!